Vidhan Sabha election results created unstable conditions in Delhi. BJP came out as the biggest party, but it doesn’t have that magic number of 36 to form government. It doesn’t want horse trading so refused to form government. Lt.Governor invited second biggest party AAP to form government. Both BJP and Congress told that they are ready to support AAP.
Congress told that it is ready to support AAP unconditional. Now a question comes in mind – after suffering a humiliating defeat, why congress is showing that much interest to support AAP? I find 3 answers for this question-
- Congress lost its existence in Delhi. By any means it wants to gain back the power. If it supports AAP, it can enter the government from back door.
- It wants to keep BJP away from power. And doesn’t want BJP and AAP to join their hands. If AAP and BJP come together, then it will be a big threat to congress even in 2014 Lok Sabha elections.
And the most important reason behind announcing support is, it wants to spoil AAP’s good image. Aravind Kejriwal and his like minded friends formed AAP to fight against corruption by becoming a part of politics. They raised their voice against congress’ scandals. People have faith in AAP more than Congress.
AAP has a good image. If it forms government with the help of Congress, people will think there is no much difference between Congress and AAP. AAP will not campaign against Congress’ scams and slowly public will forget everything. Hence, it makes perfect sense for Congress to join AAP.
Article by Karthyayini Hebbar.